A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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A one-of-its-kind monthly bi-lingual colour magazine on environment, TreeTake, which is 'of Nature, for Nature, by us'is now with us.

Brownie’s ‘act’ an enigma

Brownie’s ‘act’ an enigma

Why is it exceptionally hot this year?

Why is it exceptionally hot this year?

PV Waste- A future hazard

PV Waste- A future hazard

Untapped potential of bio-energy crop, cane

Untapped potential of bio-energy crop, cane

The Rubbish Surrounding Urban Waste

The Rubbish Surrounding Urban Waste

Biodiversity pool of India threatened

Biodiversity pool of India threatened

Deserts are expanding & how

Deserts are expanding & how

Decoding Urban Flooding

Decoding Urban Flooding

Plywood factories butcher living conditions in residential area of Lucknow

Plywood factories butcher living conditions in residential area of Lucknow

Political apathy killing Ramsar sites in India

Political apathy killing Ramsar sites in India

Needed: Strong tree fort along riverbanks

Needed: Strong tree fort along riverbanks

Not as simple as rainfall

Not as simple as rainfall

Is vermicomposting a hyped practice?

Is vermicomposting a hyped practice?

How feasible is Ken-Betwa interlinking?

How feasible is Ken-Betwa interlinking?

Silencing The Chirps

Silencing The Chirps

Clandestine felling of Khair gets serious

Clandestine felling of Khair gets serious

Don’t turn it into a ‘fowl’ play

Don’t turn it into a ‘fowl’ play

2021: Year of Redemption?

2021: Year of Redemption?

Flying against the chirps?

Flying against the chirps?

Left Gasping Yet Again

Left Gasping Yet Again

Divided we fail, united we rule?

Divided we fail, united we rule?

Good intentions gone awry?

Good intentions gone awry?

A Gain Worth The Loss?

A Gain Worth The Loss?

Wildlife: On Last Priority?

Wildlife: On Last Priority?

Deadly Gas Leak In South

Deadly Gas Leak In South

Wetlands ‘wise’ use possible?

Wetlands ‘wise’ use possible?

Make or Break Year 2020

Make or Break Year 2020

Passing year’s New Year resolves

Passing year’s New Year resolves

Our Failing Green Cover

Our Failing Green Cover

Single Use Plastic: India set to take first big step

Single Use Plastic: India set to take first big step