A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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Environment days mean nothing if all don’t pitch in

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

Environment days mean nothing if all don’t pitch in

Just one question: How many of you remembered to switch off the lights between 8:30 to 9:30 pm to commemorate Earth Hour?

Environment days mean nothing if all don’t pitch in

We all know that a healthy environment is crucial for human survival and well-being, providing essential resources like clean air, water, and food, while also regulating climate and supporting biodiversity. Protecting it ensures a healthy planet for current and future generations. Environmental observances and World Day campaigns are a great way to raise awareness for a cause that is meaningful to you or your company. The calendar of environmental awareness days can be used to raise awareness for your own corporate sustainability efforts, start your own local campaign, find events you can support in your own community, or get ideas for how to take action.  For example, you could promote your company’s water conservation efforts on World Water Day or your efforts to reduce emissions on World Ozone Day. You could also find and team up with organizations in your local community to make a bigger impact.

The month of March was full of such events: On 3rd March was World Wildlife Day; on 14th, International Day of Action for Rivers; 18th Global Recycling Day; 21st, International Day of Forests and World Wood Day. On 22nd was the most crucial Earth Hour, and on the same day fell another very important event, World Water Day. April will hold just one very important event, Earth Day on 22nd.

Just one question: How many of you remembered to switch off the lights between 8:30 to 9:30 pm to commemorate Earth Hour? Most missed it, I am sure! In fact, it should be made mandatory by the authorities and the lights (at least non-essential ones) should be switched off for an hour. This is just once a year thing but with huge benefits for our environment. If you are switching off your lights to show support for the natural world., it means you care and there is hope. In fact, over the six years that Earth Hour has been held, researchers have found 274 instances in which electricity consumption was reduced by an average of 4% during this hour.

But, when such events merely become an 'observance' by selective institutions and NGOs, and not really 'celebrated' with zeal by all, they lose the very relevance for which they were created. A handful cannot create a wave, there is a need for the multitude to join in. Give the days the seriousness they deserve so that a day comes when we no longer have a reason to include them in the calendar... Oh, do remember to celebrate Earth Day on April 22 by taking steps to popularise recycling, offer new energy-efficient solutions, create cleaner vehicles, control the depletion of the ozone layer, and much more. To celebrate Earth Day, consider what type of green activities you can take up, such as biking to work or washing your laundry in cold water. Let us see, how many of you will remember! 

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