A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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Love your pets unconditionally

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

Love your pets unconditionally

My love for pets started during my college days. We had dogs in our home. There was a special bond between my dogs and myself...

Love your pets unconditionally

Parenting A Pet

Deepali Bahadur gives a few tips on how to become the best possible pet parent

Having a pet is such a blessing in today’s time. Even when everyone is busy with their routine life, there comes a time when one thinks about keeping a pet. However, one should be prepared to take full responsibility before bringing a furry member to the house. Love for the pet is the key factor! Responsibility is the underlying one!

My love for pets started during my college days. We had dogs in our home. There was a special bond between my dogs and myself. There was a connection between us that could not be described in words as they were my world. Presently I have two Beagles- one is Marvel who is nine-year-old and the other is Ollie who is two-year-old. I share a very different bond with them. They are very close to my heart. 

Owning a pet brings lots of happiness, joy, and love into one’s life. They have become a part of our family. I feel happy when they are around me. Care is what they expect from me, a simple pat makes them wag their tails. They are unable to speak but their gestures towards me make me feel that they like my company and time.

If I carefully observe, I am well able to understand their behaviour. Marvel has become docile with age and Ollie is just the opposite. He is naughty and adorable at the same time. Ollie is one of the chirpy kind, who barks on anyone coming to visit my home. And, yes, I do understand their fear during the festival of Diwali because they get frightened by the noise of the crackers. They want me to protect them during that time. 

We should give our pets unconditional love because they always stand by us, in good times or bad. When I go somewhere, Marvel and Ollie wait for me to come back and, as soon as the bell rings, they immediately run towards me and jump with joy. This is their way of greeting me. This shows us how much dogs miss us while we are away. Keeping the pets is one of the best decisions of my life.

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