A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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Our love must be inclusive of care & our time

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

Our love must be inclusive of care & our time

During everyday walks, Oreo often gets minor cuts. In these scenarios, it is always better to stay prepared with first aid...

Our love must be inclusive of care & our time

Parenting A Pet

Sara Gupta says by bringing a pet into our lives, we automatically take on its full responsibility

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened,” says Anatole France. Pets bring joy and warmth to their owners' lives. We receive so much love from them; it becomes our duty to give it back. Our love should be inclusive of care and our time. Bringing a pet to our home automatically means that we must take it under our complete responsibility.

I only realized how crucial it is to care for the pet when my dog, Oreo, was involved in an accident when he was barely one. It was a painful reminder of the importance of proper medical attention and consistent care. These experiences show that being a pet owner goes beyond fun and play. Pets should always have access to necessities such as clean water, healthy food, regular exercise, grooming, and a safe place to sleep. Meeting these needs consistently helps pets live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life. 

During everyday walks, Oreo often gets minor cuts. In these scenarios, it is always better to stay prepared with first aid. My mom applies a haldi paste (turmeric and water) after cleaning the wound area. If the injury doesn’t heal or if he is in significant pain, we either rush to the vet or consult one over the phone. Preventive care includes regular veterinary checkups which are crucial for early detection of illnesses that might not yet show obvious symptoms, monitoring and keeping track of a pet’s health over a period, and general well-being. Vaccinations play a vital role in keeping others and your pet safe. 

Pampering is also important! In fact, most don’t believe me when I tell them about my goldfish’s little birthday celebrations! After attentive care, Stella lived with us for 2.5 years, she was fed 3 grains of fish food or cut-up peas thrice a day with her mini aqua abode getting changed every alternative day. Care on a daily basis is required to make pets live a happy and long life. I’ve often given Oreo too many treats because he gets so joyful with each one, not realizing the harm it could cause. It is important to give treats but in moderation and it should be reserved for good behaviour or tricks. Recently, my brother has started making homemade chicken jerky, which is a healthier alternative, Oreo actually prefers them to normal treats!

Feeding my dog homemade meals like chicken roti, khichdi, and eggs has significantly improved his health. Good nutrition can never go wrong! Recent scientific studies have unveiled that various diseases and illnesses afflicting pets are caused by commercialized foods like kibble and it reduces their life span! It is of great importance that we exhibit our love and affection even with simple actions like just running our fingers through their fur or giving them a cuddle and a hug. Such emotions of ours give them the feeling of being wanted, which is very crucial to their needs thereby building a strong bond of friendship. We must remember them as not just animals, but a part of our family and do everything possible for their long and healthy life.

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