A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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Essentials of raising happy & healthy pets

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

Essentials of raising happy & healthy pets

As a pet parent, I strongly advocate adopting pets rather than buying them...

Essentials of raising happy & healthy pets

Parenting A Pet

Parent to a rabbit, Pragya Gupta advocates taking complete care of pets’ emotional and physical needs and providing them safe environment … 

Being a good pet parent goes beyond just providing food and shelter. It is about understanding and meeting your pet’s physical, emotional, and psychological needs. As a rabbit owner, I’ve learned that every pet has unique needs, and fulfilling them is essential to raising a happy and healthy companion.

The best pet parents know that it is not about owning an animal but nurturing a soul. We must understand that our pet’s needs include both physical and emotional needs. Physical like proper nutrition:  A balanced diet is crucial for our pet’s health. Each species has specific dietary requirements. For my rabbit Puccchu, a diet high in fibre from fresh hay is essential, along with vegetables and limited pellets. Avoiding toxic foods is equally important. Dogs need a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, while cats require a diet rich in animal proteins; Exercise: Regular exercise keeps our pets healthy. Puccchu, for instance, is very active and loves to hop and run freely around the house. I have never caged her, allowing her to express her natural behaviour. Dogs benefit from daily walks, and cats stay fit with interactive toys and climbing structures. Then comes veterinary care: Routine veterinary care is vital for your pet’s health. This includes regular check-ups, vaccinations, and dental care. Rabbits require specialised care, and I ensure Puccchu gets the best possible, understanding that preventative care is key. 

Emotional needs include companionship: Pets are social beings and thrive on companionship. Rabbits like Puccchu enjoy company,  so I spend quality time with her daily to prevent loneliness and strengthen our bond. Dogs form strong bonds with their owners, needing regular social interaction, while even independent cats require companionship; Mental Stimulation: Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. Without it, pets can become bored, leading to destructive behaviours or anxiety. For Puccchu, chew toys, tunnels, and foraging opportunities keep her engaged. Dogs and cats benefit from puzzle toys and interactive games. It is equally important to create a safe and comfortable environment. Here housing is essential.  A safe, comfortable living environment is crucial. For Puccchu, I’ve created a spacious area where she can roam freely. Dogs and cats also need secure, cozy spaces within the home where they can relax. Pet-proofing your home by removing hazards like toxic plants and securing small objects is essential.

Do not ignore training and socialising. Basic training is a must. Training is vital for developing a well-behaved pet and strengthening your bond. Rabbits can be litter-trained and respond to their name. Dogs need basic obedience training, while cats can be trained using positive reinforcement. Socialisation involves exposing your pet to different environments and experiences in a positive way. Dogs need extensive socialization, and cats benefit from positive reinforcement when introduced to new experiences.

 As a pet parent, I strongly advocate adopting pets rather than buying them. There are countless animals in shelters and rescues waiting for a loving home. By choosing to adopt, you give these animals a second chance at life and help combat the cruel practices of the breeding industry. Being a good pet parent means understanding and meeting your pet’s needs, creating a safe environment, and avoiding harmful practices. By providing proper care, training, and socialization—and allowing pets like Puccchu the freedom to express their natural behaviour—you can ensure your pet lives a happy, healthy life. The bond you build with your pet is based on love, trust, and respect, requiring a commitment to being the best pet parent.

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