A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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Zero-waste weddings prioritise sustainability

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

Zero-waste weddings prioritise sustainability

We came by this idea as part of our broader commitment at the Lucknow Farmers Market to promote sustainable living and spread awareness about celebrating festivals and occasions with minimum environmental impact...

Zero-waste weddings prioritise sustainability

Green Business

Jyotsna Kaur Habibullah is Founder & CEO, Lucknow Farmers Market

Q: What is this unique concept of a zero-waste wedding, and how did you come by it? 

A zero-waste wedding is a celebration that prioritises sustainability by minimizing waste and making eco-friendly choices throughout the event. The concept revolves around reducing, reusing, and recycling as much as possible, from the decor to the wedding attire. We came by this idea as part of our broader commitment at the Lucknow Farmers Market to promote sustainable living and spread awareness about celebrating festivals and occasions with minimum environmental impact. Weddings can be extravagant events that can generate significant waste, so we wanted to offer a way for couples to celebrate their special day while also caring for the planet.

Q: What measures should one take to ensure an environment-friendly wedding or any event for that matter? 

To ensure an environment-friendly wedding, start by choosing a venue that supports sustainable practices, such as one with natural lighting or energy-efficient systems. A farm is a great place for a wedding! Opt for digital invitations instead of paper ones, use locally sourced and seasonal flowers, and choose caterers who prioritize organic and locally grown food. Renting rather than buying decor, and reusing items where possible, is another great step. Re-wearing your mother or grandmother's vintage outfit can make a big statement. Finally, ensure that any waste produced, such as leftover food, is composted or donated to the Robin Hood Army to reduce the event’s environmental impact.

Q: Do such events cost extra, and if so, how much? 

While some sustainable options may seem more expensive upfront, they often balance out or even save money in the long run. For example, using seasonal and locally sourced flowers might be cheaper than importing exotic varieties. Renting decor or repurposing items like your outfits can also cut costs. Overall, the cost depends on the choices you make, but with thoughtful planning, a zero-waste wedding doesn't necessarily have to cost more than a traditional one. 

Q: What is the role of recycling in these events? How will you change mindsets that demand new-only items, especially for weddings? 

Recycling plays a crucial role in zero-waste weddings. It involves reusing materials, repurposing decor, and ensuring that any disposable items are made from recyclable or compostable materials. Changing the mindset that demands only new items for weddings requires showcasing the beauty and value of reused and upcycled products. We emphasize that these choices add unique, personal touches to a wedding, making it not only environmentally friendly but also more meaningful.

Q: How is Lucknow Farmers Market associated with such weddings/events? Do you take contracts for these events? 

Lucknow Farmers Market is deeply involved in promoting sustainable celebrations. We collaborate with vendors who specialize in eco-friendly products, from decor to attire, and we host monthly events like the Zero Waste Wedding Edition to inspire and educate the community. While we don’t directly take contracts for weddings, we connect couples with the right vendors and resources to plan their sustainable events. Our role is to support and facilitate the transition to zero-waste celebrations by providing a platform for eco-conscious businesses and individuals to come together.

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