Advisory for dealing with import of exotic live species in India
TreeTake Network
Exotic live species are animal or plant species moved from their original range (location) to a new one. These species are introduced to a new location most often by people. Considering the significance of import and export of exotic live species, this Ministry is issuing an advisory to streamline the process for import and possession of exotic live species in India. The following are proposed:
ï‚· Developing an inventory of exotic live species in India through Voluntary Disclosure Scheme to streamline CITES compliance;
ï‚· Procedure for Import of exotic live species;
ï‚· Registration/Declaration of progenies of the imported exotic live species;
ï‚· The processes under this Advisory shall be dealt online through the Parivesh Portal.
I. Developing an inventory of exotic live species in India through Voluntary Disclosure Scheme:
a) The phrases “exotic live species” used in this advisory shall be construed to mean only “the animals named under the Appendices I, II and III of the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora” for the purpose of this advisory and does not include species from the Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972.
b) It is stated through this advisory that the declarer would not be required to produce any documentation in relation to the exotic live species if the same has been declared within six months of the date of issue of the advisory. For any declaration made after 6 months of the date of issue of this advisory, the declarer shall be required to comply with the documentation requirement under the extant laws and regulations.
c) A period of 6 months (from the date of the order) may be given for voluntary disclosure for those who are in possession of exotic live species in the country.
d) All exotic live species shall be declared by the owner/ holder (stock, as on 1 January 2020) to the Chief Wildlife Warden (CWLW) of the concerned State or UT in a format at Annexure-I of this Advisory.
e) The CWLW shall, after physical verification, register the stock and maintain a record in their office and issue an online certificate of possession within six months of the date of the voluntary disclosure.
f) The CWLW or the officer(s) authorized shall be provided with free access to the exotic live species being declared and housed at the facility round the clock on any given day for verification.
g) Any acquisition/ death/ trade/ change of possession, taken place after the declaration should be informed to the respective CWLW within 30 days of such acquisition /death/trade and the CWLW shall issue an acknowledgment in this regard as per format at Annexure-II.
h) The Register of stock shall include details such as species imported/acquired, the number of animal of each species imported/acquired, photographs (for the purpose of identification of the species), and the address where the exotic live species have been kept.
i) If the owner/holder of the stock desires of surrendering the stock (part of the stock) to a recognized Zoo, the concerned Zoo may consider the request for acceptance appropriately, within the specified parameters for ensuring the exotic live species is free of infections/diseases.
j) For violation of any of the above procedures laid down, action as appropriate would be taken by the Chief Wild life Warden.
II. Import of exotic live species and stock maintenance:
a. An application for grant of a license for import of exotic live species may be made in the prescribed form to the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) -along with the No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the CWLW of the state/UT concerned, online on the DGFT Portal.
b. The application for No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Chief Wildlife Warden shall be made online as per format at Annexure-III.
3. The stockholder/importer shall observe the following for maintenance of the stock of exotic live species:
a) The applicant shall ensure that the national health agency of the country of origin of exotic live species has issued a health certificate indicating that it is free from diseases and fit for export.
b) The importing person/organization shall maintain a health card for each exotic live species imported.
c) All importers must register themselves one time, before the respective Chief Wildlife Wardens (CWLWs), prior to the import of exotic live species and provide details of facilities for housing for the exotic live species.
d) The exotic live species shall be subjected to the quarantine provisions issued by the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying.
e) The exotic live species imported will be kept in the declared premises appropriately in a hygienic and stress free environment.
f) Importer will intimate CWLW about the importation of the consignment along with a copy of the CITES permits (if needed) and other related documents before the importation.
g) CWLW may, in writing, for reasons stated, impose a cap on the upper limit on the number of the exotic live species to be imported per consignment and per annum.
h) Importer/ stock holder to ensure that exotic live species do not escape from the captive facility. In case of any accidental escape, the importer/stock holder shall inform the same to the CWLW and appropriate authorities about the same immediately. He shall also be liable to damages, if any caused due to such an escape.
i) The exotic live species shall not be allowed to mix with indigenous animal species or breed with them.
j) For violation of any of the above procedures laid down, the importer shall be liable for action as appropriate.
4. The DGFT while communicating their approval for the import of exotic live species shall also address a copy of the approval to the respective CWLW.
5. The importer shall, at the time of import of the exotic live species, report the details of such import to the concerned CWLW.
6. The importer shall also inform online any transfer/transport of exotic live species from one State to another, to the respective CWLWs in the format at Annexure-I, and the CWLW of the importing State shall record it in format at Annexure-II.
III. Registration of progenies of imported animals:
1. The owner of the exotic live species shall make a declaration about the details of the birth of progenies of the animals to the respective CWLW, within 30 days from the birth of such progeny as per format at Annexure-IV.
2. The CWLW shall register the details of the birth of the progenies of the exotic live species, as per the details submitted by the owner.
3. The CWLW shall, after due verification of the details, issue an ownership certificate for such progenies of the exotic live species as per Annexure-V.
IV. General:
1. The provisions contained in all other relevant Acts shall be followed by the importer/owner of the exotic live species.
Info Courtesy: Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (Wildlife Division)
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