A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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Green Business

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

Green Business

Green Business

Green Business

Pinky Maheshwari, who, along with her mother Sharda Daga, initiates a new eco–friendly path to give new hopes by creating 100% decomposable packaging…

Why throw when we can grow

Q: How did this idea come into your mind?

“We identify that brand packaging plays a crucial and primary role in ensuring the safety of the products we buy, but have you ever wondered where it all ends up? No, it does not disappear in the thin air. It all lands in landfills where it takes hundreds of years to decompose. Only if it is biodegradable or else your last chocolate wrapper might end up in the river next to you even after 10 long years. Decomposing right at the source is not the only step we need to take in a sustainable future. Keeping this in mind, we founded a company for creating 100% decomposable packaging. After working for one of the largest advertising agency, initially I started with 10 handmade bags and today we are selling 1 lakh bags. My mom and dad, being environmentally concerned citizens for the past 40 years, taught me how we can recycle and make paper. This is something which existed in the society from a very long ago; I have just reinvented and refurbished it.

Q: What is your USP?

We create WOW in every product; we ensure every product has a wow effect in it. We surprise each other not by giving gifts but by our words and by our deeds. We believe in a smiling, happy work environment. We also infuse happiness in our boxes; we take pride in making them. We, as an entire team, celebrate our failures more than our success because they teach us a lot. We write them in our diaries and make sure we don’t repeat them. We started to embed seeds in the paper and then create paper. We have created 1200+ products. Our mantra is: Why to throw when we can grow. If we can grow our boxes, bags, diaries, books, then why throw them? Usually, we eat the chocolate and throw them, why don’t we reuse and grow them? We throw, and that is how they end up in the landfills, and then they produce carbon dioxide and contribute to global warming. 85% of our workforce comprises women. I see myself empowering more women from rural areas of India, who were always seen as just committed to their home chores or unable to work because of the social norms.

Q: Why is it so necessary to grow instead of throw?

100 million marine animals die every year because of discarded plastic. This is for the irresponsible actions we take as consumers to not pay much attention to the packaging of plastic, which is mostly single, used. The packaging is used to ensure the safety of the product delivered or purchased, but is this decision ensuring a safe future for us?

Q: What were the initial challenges?

Earlier people were not aware. They had questions like what is it? They used to find negative in the start. But now people are aware and excited. People are vocal about local. Now people are more interested in eco–friendly packaging. When they see the quality and the story behind it, they are happy to support. Even at the time of Covid people are supportive of our products, and I believe that if individually we contribute then it will be a benefit to everyone.

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