Plants & Pets
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Looking after your pet and its hygiene needs can be a trying task in monsoon as your pet is most vulnerable in these months to fungal infection, allergies, fur loss problems, and stomach disorders. How often your dog licks himself is an indicator of how well he has been cleaned and his toilet habits say much about his health provided you have been keeping a close eye.
While you can set a daily cleansing routine for your dog in between his walks, it can be counterproductive if you are not going to feed him the right foods after all. Begin by washing his water and food bowl twice regularly, keeping his chews sanitised, and following it up with a well-balanced diet, and you’ll see the difference in his energy levels and the quality of fur. Here we must point out that the eating habits of pets do not differ with the breed but with the size of the pet. Smaller breeds require different formulations compared to larger ones. The smaller breeds, not to mention, need to eat less as they require less energy. Give your pet a balanced and inclusive diet comprising chicken/lamb (different portions of chicken – breast, thigh, leg), rice, sweet potato carrots, peas, eggs, fat and fish oil. Dogs should be given wet food as it is more wholesome and it should be soy, corn and wheat free. The meals should be preferably home-cooked. It is critical you do not overfeed your dog. An adult dog should eat about twice to thrice a day, whereas a pup should eat about four to five times a day. Chicken bones should never be given to dogs as they can get stuck to their oesophagus making them choke. Proteins contain essential amino acids and are required for muscle building and growth of your dog. Proteins provide the required energy to your dog and they digest it easily too. A wholesome meal should contain sufficient proteins, vitamins and calcium to keep your dog active and healthy. Ideally, his main source of protein should be chicken, lamb or fish.
Dogs require special care during the monsoon. Contamination of water is very common in this season leading to many a stomach disorder among dogs. The best option is to give your dog hygienically prepared dog food and fresh water, as packaged meats on the market too might be contaminated due to excessive moisture in the air. Owing to high humidity and heat, dogs usually do not eat dry dog food during the summer and monsoon months. Home-cooked diets or wet food are perfectly suitable in these months as they contain the required amount of moisture. A naturally balanced diet should be given to your dog comprising a bio-available source of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, calcium, fat and vitamins. A high source of fibre such as sweet potato, lean chicken, brown rice, and tofu can help boost your dog’s metabolism, and ensure his continued health and well-being. Avoid raw meat, raw chicken, excessive fibrous vegetables and raw or cooked bones.
A pet's coat is the reflection of its health and the food that it consumes. A shiny and healthy coat is the result of optimal nutrition which is a key to a dog's general well-being. Provide your dog with a high-quality diet with digestible protein sources. Foods with Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids also play an important role in promoting a healthy coat with minimal shedding.
Some of the frequently asked questions about dog food are answered below:
1. Which foods should you avoid feeding a dog?
Some of the principal foods that you may want to avoid feeding your dog include the following: Cherries, onions, raisins/grapes, avocado, garlic, alcohol, Brewer’s yeast, uncooked spinach, chocolate, coffee/caffeine, citrus, nuts
2. What homemade food can I feed to my pet?
It may not be wise to feed your pet all that you eat yourself. Your endeavour should be to offer him a balanced mix of proteins which can come from turkey, chicken, organ meats (liver, gizzards, hearts), eggs, tuna, salmon, beef, lamb, pork and vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, celery, carrots, green beans, peas, cucumbers, sweet potatoes. Speak to your vet before including them in your dog’s menu. In case your dog is allergic to grain, you may opt for a grain-free diet. But if your dog has no issues with grains, rice and oatmeal can be great choices.
3. Is it ok to feed dog chicken and rice every day?
It is safe to feed dogs chicken and rice daily. But a meal of chicken and rice alone cannot be called a balanced diet as it lacks so many important nutrients. A dog that is served chicken and rice every day may become susceptible to a greater number of medical complications.
4. What is the most common food allergy in dogs?
The most common food allergens in dogs are dairy, beef, egg, wheat, pork, rabbit, lamb, and soy. Dogs may sometimes be intolerant to certain foods. Most dogs are allergic to usually more than one food item.
5. How can I store homemade dog food?
Proper storage of homemade dog food is essential to ensure nutrient retention, best flavour and quality. Homemade wet foods generally require refrigeration. Be mindful of factors like moisture, temperature and packaging so that the dog food can last for a longer time.
बारिश के मौसम में गार्डन में लगाए जाने वाले पौधे
बरसात का मौसम शुरू हो चुका है और ऐसे में यदि आप गार्डनिंग के शौकीन हैं तो जरूर ही इस समय अपने होम गार्डन में पेड़-पौधे लगाने की सोच रहे होंगे। बारिश के मौसम में लगाए जाने वाले सभी प्रकार के पौधे जैसे फल, फूल, सब्जियाँ, हर्ब्स तथा सजावटी पौधों के नाम जाने।
बारिश के मौसम में लगाए जाने वाले फलः सीताफल, जामुन, अनार, पपीता, लीची, केला, आलूबुखारा, सेब, नाशपाती, अनानास, चेरी, आडू फल, अमरुद, आंवला, संतरा.
बारिश के मौसम में लगाए जाने वाले फूल वाले पौधेः गेंदा फूल, बालसम फूल, सूरजमुखी फूल, कॉसमॉस फ्लावर प्लांट, कॉक्सकॉम्ब या सेलोसिया प्लांट, जिन्निया फूल, साल्विया फ्लावर, क्लियोम फूल, एजीरेटम या एजरेटम फ्लावर प्लांट, पोर्टुलाका फ्लावर, मोगरा फूल, गुड़हल के फूल, बोगनविलिया प्लांट, अडेनियम फ्लावर प्लांट, लैंटाना के फूल, सदाबहार, कनेर का पौधा, रेन लिली फ्लावर प्लांट, प्लुमेरिया या चंपा फूल, चमेली.
बरसात के मौसम में लगाई जाने वाली सब्जियांः टमाटर, चुकंदर, बैंगन, खीरा, लौकी, मूली, पालक, हरी मिर्च, भिन्डी, सेम, करेला, परवल, कद्दू,कंदे, गाजर.
मानसून (बरसात) में लगाई जाने वाली हर्ब्सः धनिया, लहसुन, अदरक, तुलसी, पुदीना, मुलेठी, चाइव्स, पार्सले, रोजमेरी, ओरिगैना, लेमन बाम, लेमनग्रास, एलोवेरा.
बरसात के मौसम में लगाए जाने वाले सजावटी पौधेः चायनीज एवरग्रीन या एग्लोनेमा, अम्ब्रेला पाम, डाइफेनबैचिया प्लांट, सुदर्शन प्लांट, मनी प्लांट, क्रोटन प्लांट, बोस्टन फर्न, स्नेक प्लांट, एक्जोरा का पौधा, ऐरेका पाम ट्री, एलोवेरा
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